Monday, September 15, 2008

Past Simple & Past Continuos.

We use the simple past to refer to something that happened in the past.Example: I lived in Paris for 1 year.In English is not difference between ''vivía'' and ''viví''. If you want to say that something happened in the past often used:"used to + verb".In the past simple we can use expressions temporary like: yesterday, last night, last month, last week, last year...How to make a sentences in the simple past:
Afirmative sentences: with the regulars verbs: Subj+Verb+ed//If the verb end with And, we change to I: Study-Studied with the irregulars verbs: Subj+Verb in second column.
Negative sentences: we use the particle did deyng: Subj+Didn't+Verb.
Interrogative sentences: we also the particle did : Did+Subj+Verb?to respond : Yes, I did//No, I didn't.The past simple with the verb to be:
Afirmative sentences: I , she, he,it-->Subj+Wasyou, we, they -->Subj+wereNegative sentences:I , she, he , it-->Subj+wasn'tyou, we, they-->Subj+weren't Interrogative sentences: I , she, he , it-->Was+Subj you, we, they-->Were+Subj

We use the past continuous when we talk about an action not finished in the past-''He was playing football yesterday''To talk of two actions;one more long that the other that interrupted the previous action-''I was cooking when the doorbell rang''In the past continuous we use when + past simple to talk about two consecutive actions in the past-''I bought my ticket when the train arrived''Also we use a lot while in the past continuous-''I listened to the news while I was driving''There are some verbs that can´t be used in the continuous form in English.Believe ,Hear,See,Sound, Understand,Want ,LikeTo make a sentence in past continuous: AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+was+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+were+verb+ing
NEGATIVE SENTECES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+wasn't+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+weren't+verb+ing
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Was+subj.+verb+ing?WE,YOU,THEY-->Were+subj.+verb+ing?

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