Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Monday, September 15, 2008


Present perfect simple and present perfect continuos

Present Perfect Simple.
To speak of an action that began in the past and still continuous
To speak of a very recent past action and for which any reference of time does not occur
To speak about a past action whose results are reflected in the present

AFIRMATIVE:forms with the present of the verb; to have' and the past of the verb that is conjugated [I have played tennis]
NEGATIVE:In the negative form ' is placed; not' after verb ' to have' [He has not played ]
INTERROGATIVE:the interrogatory form forms later putting the first aid and the subject [ have you played ]

Present perfect continuos
It is used when it is wanted to express the sense of the continuity of an action that has begun in the past, which it still lasts in the present and that even can continue in the future.

AFIRMATIVE:subject + present perfect of ' to be' + gerund [I have been playing]
NEGATIVE:In the negative form ' is placed; not' after the aid [ I have not been playing ]
INTERROGATIVE:The interrogatory form, forms investing to the position of the subject and the aid [Have I been playing? ]

Past Simple & Past Continuos.

We use the simple past to refer to something that happened in the past.Example: I lived in Paris for 1 year.In English is not difference between ''vivía'' and ''viví''. If you want to say that something happened in the past often used:"used to + verb".In the past simple we can use expressions temporary like: yesterday, last night, last month, last week, last year...How to make a sentences in the simple past:
Afirmative sentences: with the regulars verbs: Subj+Verb+ed//If the verb end with And, we change to I: Study-Studied with the irregulars verbs: Subj+Verb in second column.
Negative sentences: we use the particle did deyng: Subj+Didn't+Verb.
Interrogative sentences: we also the particle did : Did+Subj+Verb?to respond : Yes, I did//No, I didn't.The past simple with the verb to be:
Afirmative sentences: I , she, he,it-->Subj+Wasyou, we, they -->Subj+wereNegative sentences:I , she, he , it-->Subj+wasn'tyou, we, they-->Subj+weren't Interrogative sentences: I , she, he , it-->Was+Subj you, we, they-->Were+Subj

We use the past continuous when we talk about an action not finished in the past-''He was playing football yesterday''To talk of two actions;one more long that the other that interrupted the previous action-''I was cooking when the doorbell rang''In the past continuous we use when + past simple to talk about two consecutive actions in the past-''I bought my ticket when the train arrived''Also we use a lot while in the past continuous-''I listened to the news while I was driving''There are some verbs that can´t be used in the continuous form in English.Believe ,Hear,See,Sound, Understand,Want ,LikeTo make a sentence in past continuous: AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+was+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+were+verb+ing
NEGATIVE SENTECES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+wasn't+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+weren't+verb+ing
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Was+subj.+verb+ing?WE,YOU,THEY-->Were+subj.+verb+ing?

Thursday, May 22, 2008


In eastern I have returned to stay in house, but it was with my father.I have passed all the vacations in family, though to go with my friends I was, but really what more I did was homework and to see the TV, for which it to be holidays is what I was desiring it, the vagabond did.

I saw many movies, of dysney that it was doing a lot of time that it did not see since they are in videotape, I liked to remember with my sister and my brother when we are small and what We were doing, We were laughing, they were a few happy eastern.

Also I was with my small cousins, that it was doing time that did not see them and was doing illusion to myself, this way that one day we were to Valencia and another day to quí, to The Canyada and lunch tods together.
The Eastern of Resurrection is the Christian celebration that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The date of celebration changes between March 22 and April 25, since it takes place on Sunday following the first spring full moon of the north hemisphere. There exists a formula that allows the calculation of the date of Easter. Nevertheless, due to the difference of calendars used by the Catholic Church (Gregorian calendar) and the Oriental Churches (calendar juliano), the date of Easter changes for every Church.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008



In "fallas" I was in The Canyada with my family, in my house.I stayed with some friends of The Vallesa.Solia to be in the computer speaking or seeing the TV or doing homework, there was no many activity to do, for what they were a few faults rather boring... I saw someone that another "falla" of Valencia and in The Canyada VAT a bit slow the construction, but ultimately it was possible to see.

The day of San Jose, he was the saint of my father and simultaneously the day of the father, this way that I went away with when a "mascletà" passed the day, the same day habia sew typical of faults, and also it was the same day in which in the night the fault was burned, this way that I and one all the people more of The Canyada saw the fault to burn, we were until evening, but it was not a problem for which following día there was no college.In faults to have gone out of The Canyada I remind 2, one to New Center and other one to the center of Valencia.

It is an urbanization of The Canyada, is in the eastern part, I have lived there from small, but then me canvié of house.It has a forest of which he is an owner El Conde de La Vallesa, in this bocendios and they have decided to do it cuts fires, cutting many trees,companies were gathered, but it had not sufficiently, like that that short fires removed I finish. Also there are a few trenches, when there was a war a few trenches were constructed in order that lso soldiers were sheltering in them.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Oweer plaanet


Our planet necesiota helps with all and the every some of the members that we live in the planet land, for which we have to think about the future not in nustro well, that if now we do not do anything it is not going to spend(pass) anything, not, we have that enpezar already.Every minute counts, every act that we do of recycling benefits us, is of benefit to the land and to our life, and to the future lives.

On April 22, 1970 it was commemorated by the first time the world day of the Earth. In those days there was few connection between the form that the economists were measuring the progress and the things that he was interested the people. There was an increasing

gap between what the statistics were counting and what really was counting.

The human well-being is tied narrower than the majority of the people believes, to the big terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The emission of carbon must not exceed to the capacity of the nature to remove the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere and to arrange the air. The felling tree must not exceed to the rate of growth of the trees and debit of being sensitive to the needs of the complex forest ecosystems. The fishing must not exceed to the performances sustentables and the habitats of spawning must be protected. The erosion of the soil must not be more rapid than the formation of the soil. The water must not be extracted from the aquiferous mantles more rapid than in what is recharged.All that is a thing of the common sense