Tuesday, October 30, 2007


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Halloween's holiday is a mixture of more or less ancient traditions and has his own version in many countries. Nevertheless, the Halloween that has become famous is the one that the North Americans celebrate. Thanks to the movies of Hollywood they have could export as nobody a fiestividad whose signs of identity have ended being the disguises and the gourds and, clear it is, the worship to the terror and to the death.

Another tradition very established in the USA is the one that is known as " sweet or prank " (Trick or Treat). Since it is known, in the night of Halloween the American children disguise themselves as monstrous beings and call on the verge of the neighbors giving them to choose between delivering a sweet or receiving a fright.

When the Irishes came to USA and introduced the holiday of the Night of the Witches, also they removed with it what would be the most famous symbol of the night of Halloween: the Jack-o-lantern (the hollow gourd with a candle inside).

Sunday, October 21, 2007

San dionis

Spanishness is a term of the classic Spanish, which at the beginning of the 20th century there was the already fallen one in disuse. But in 1926 the Spanish priest Zacarías de Vizcarra proposed, in an article that it published in Buenos Aires, which "Spanishness" must replace "Race" in the celebrations of October, twelve. The celebration of October, twelve like Holiday of the Race had been proposed in 1913 by Faustino Rodríguez San Pedro from the organization Latin-American Union, and in 1918 it reached in Spain the range of national holiday with this denomination. Denomination widely used of fact in different American Republics that they had recognized also on October 12 as national holiday, without any name or under other labels.

On October 12 we had holiday it was Friday and us salatmos the whole day of class in the college and this day emple to rest and to see the TV where salian the princes and a soldiers' parade and all it.Also salia the prime minister "Zapatero" that the people when it was happening were booing him.

Credits: www.google.es

Thursday, September 13, 2007

New center

With Paula and MªLuz I have happened a lot of time of the summer...This photo is of when we went away three meetings to New Center, we went away in meter and rose directly to the shops were looking until it did the two and quarter of the half day and we went away to eating the McDonald's, we are charmed with this site for which the food is very good. Then we continue looking at shops and clothes .. and us We were trying clothes that we did not like anything, only to amuse ourselves, but Paula and I find a set that seemed to be ugly, but when we it put not us on We wanted to remove but ultimately we take it from ourselves.In Zara we were trying all the shoes of heel, pro that we were charmed with and we can't stopping to try we gone for the whole shop looking at the shoes.
In C&A us we were trying a few horrible dresses that we did a few photos to ourselves and take it from ourselves immediately, then we went to lunch the McDonald's a McFlurry.Then we went to the cut "Corte inglés" and us We try other three dresses that were equal that were not ugly and when us We try came for MªLuz and Paula and I we went away in mtro up to La Cañada.
Three meetings we spend it to ourselves brilliantly,one day went to
the beach previous days but we did not do photos...

This summer has been the best.

La Vallesa

These are my friends of the urbanization The Vallesa that this inside La Cañada.To the majority the I know from small, to others for a few years, these are my friends, are with that I go in The Vallesa ... and to all I them want a heap,

Aruka, Pura, Maria, Amparito, Teresa, Amparo..
And then estan the boys who are nice enough what happens that little madmen at the time are...

Alex, Javi, Armando, Mario, Pablo and my brother.
Also the brothers are of some and some of my friends who sometimes come with us Miguell and Carlos.

Which they are quite big and nice houses .It contains a social club that is for those of the urbanization, though they can enter more people.In this club there is a soccer field, one of tennis and other one of "Fronton" that is behind ... also there is a small park for the children in order that they play and relax, for the major ones the distraction is or to play to the Parcheesi, to the letters or to the dominoes.It has two floors one arrives for winter and other one down for summer.

In this photo friends and I go out my .. in the holiday of delivery of trophies, of the "Olympiads" and other things and also champions of the Parcheesi and of the letters.Also the white dinner and the dinner was Of the west, in the white dinner did that whole went of white and in the dinner Of the west was necessary to go of cowherd more or less.
This summer I have spent
it to me very good and have amused myself very much with them...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I went away with the scouts to Avila (Hoyos Del Espino)... on the 4th at 7:00 a.m., get up and it was very sleepy so I fell asleep until a quarters after seven.When already we rise in the bus I did not fall asleep until We were at an hour of the camp, we stop two times and already we continue.When finally we come to the camp it was expecting for us to mount the shops that all the very tired one but if not not We were going to being able to sleep .. this way that we mount the shops, when we mount them we remain more tired... and we went away to have dinner took the plates and went away .. after having dinner we wash our plates guard them and we went away to sleeping for tomorrow the clothiers to do... and when the We did it put to rain and some of us got into the shops and the rest people went away to the dining room...

After two days we did not go to do uan route that we we all end tired, a girl broke a tooth, other one the hand and other one became bad.When we come to the camp we have a shower and have awhile of free time and we went away to sleeping.The following day we wake up We have breakfast and we put to do things ... also we play and rest.It was seizing during 10 days I spent it to myself very well though initially I did not like for that it was very boring..But it became enterteining.

Monday, July 16, 2007



Is a one group spanish.

I like a lot their songs,because they sing very good.
The song I like a lot is : Te entiendo, a song is very beatifull.

I went to the concert wiht Paula and Susana of this group. They don't play back, when they sang the song Te entienedo we were screaming the song but also we were singing, were jumping and were spending it to ourselves well.
The concert was in L'Elina in the parc.


Friday, June 29, 2007

poRt avEnturaa!! **

ON THE 23rd at 6 a.m. I woke up and went away with the scouts to port adventure and sincerely me it brilliant pass.We rise as approximately 5 times to the dragoon khan and and to the hurricane condor.We ate the menu that they were giving us there, that was: a hamburgues, potatoes, a coca · tail and an ice cream of chocolate and vanilla like that give us in the college.

Then we went away to the water attractions and got wet you inform... In the night when we sup on that we sup on a bocataa, we went to raise the last time to the attractions and said goodbye of port adventure and raised ourselves to the bus.

Remain we all slept by that estabamos tired and exhausted all. When we come we sleep in the place, some and on the following day we us went when each one continued sleeping to his house.

Credits: http://www.umwebsite.com/


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

[ pOd caSt!! ]

The podcasting consists of creating sound files (generally in format ogg or mp3) and to distribute them by means of a file RSS so that there allows to sign and to be used a program that unloads it in order that the user listens to it in the moment that wants, generally in a portable breeding animal.

The term podcasting arises as the acrónimo of the words pod and broadcast. It was suggested by the first time between other terms, by Ben Hammersley in The Guardian on February 12, 2004 to describe the possibility of listening to audio in portable breeding animals. This way, the term pod suggests portable device, that is to say, breeding portable and broadcast, radio broadcast or television.
Another meaning of "Podcast" is: Portable On Demand Broadcast, that is to say, portable emission at call.

Initially recounted to the emission from audioblogs, nowadays already it is accepted multimedia to refer to emission, of video and / or audio.

A podcast is alike a subscription a blog spoken in that we receive the programs across Internet. Also an advantage of the podcast is the possibility of listening in places without coverage.
His content is diverse, but she is in the habit of being a person speaking on diverse topics. This one is the definition base. Now then, it can be extended in different ways. It is podcasts on diverse topics, especially technological. Many people prefer using a script and others speak to capella and of unexpected form. Some of them look like a program of radio, inserting music, whereas they do others podcasts more short and exclusively with voice, like with the weblogs.

..:: sEcoNd LifE!

*sEcOnd LifE *

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by a total of 7,016,415 people from around the globe.
From the moment you enter the World you'll discover a vast digital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences and opportunity. Once you've explored a bit, perhaps you'll find a perfect parcel of land to build your house or business.
You'll also be surrounded by the Creations of your fellow residents. Because residents retain the rights to their digital creations, they can buy, sell and trade with other residents.
The Marketplace currently supports millions of US dollars in monthly transactions. This commerce is handled with the in-world unit-of-trade, the Linden dollar, which can be converted to US dollars at several thriving online Linden Dollar exchanges.

Second Life (abbreviated as SL) is an Internet-based virtual world which came to international attention via mainstream news media in late 2006 and early 2007.[4][5] Developed by Linden Research, Inc (commonly referred to as Linden Lab), a downloadable client program enables its users, called "Residents", to interact with each other through motional avatars, providing an advanced level of a social network service combined with general aspects of a metaverse. Residents can explore, meet other Residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, create and trade items (virtual property) and services from one another .

Saturday, June 02, 2007

mallRats =D

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It treats of that chiucos that are friends his girlfriends leave two and the two die for them but only one recognizes it and not for of asking for her, but alone other one devotes itself to look for it silently.Then it realizes that the father of one of the girlfriends VAT to going to a program to obtain boyfriend who was the one that was not stopping looking for her, they try to ruin the program and to call a few friends who tell it to him and help them, but these police and is going to be very difficult.The boy who sufria silently sees his girl and realizes that it loves him indeed and confuses her and mention together in the elevator without the new boyfriend of the girl at the time, they kiss each other in the elevator and the girl it returns to raise it of him for which he has declared himself and has said to him that it loves him.
Another boy this one looking for his girlfriend, but do not find her, then when it returns to see his friend ask for help and trucan the contest to go out they two and other one at the time, questions are done and she realizes that the number one is his boyfriend and she loves him indeed and declares itself in front of a tons of people and they return to be boyfriends and other two also and the friends of them have managed to confuse to the police and all the
happy ones!.



The bullying, they do it the children uqe have suffered harassment at some time, and this matter is serious enough, for uqe since a case happened of bullying it will do two years, the children can manage to commit suicide for that not soprtan more.

There is understood by school harassment the harassment and verbal or physical mistreatment between students of form repeated in the time. In order that it happens there must be a harassing subject, a victim and a conflict of forces. The ill-treated subject remains exposed physics and emotionally before subject maltratador.

Types of school harassment:

Direct harassment: it is the most common form between the children. Fights and physical aggressions. Indirect harassment: it is in the habit of being more common between the girls and in general from the preadolescencia. It is characterized for claiming the social isolation of the individual. This isolation is obtained by means of varied technologies that they include: to spread rumors, to push the social contact back with the victim, to threaten the friends, to do critiques of the person alluding to his physical features, social group, way of dressing, religion, race, disability, etc..

Thursday, May 31, 2007



The Sahara is great desert where one starves the people and the conditions are not the most suitable.There are colleges uqe they organize as a species of donation for these families, which one gives or money, food, clothes or toys.Often we do not estimate what we have and complain, but then in class, in the TV or in Internet we see an advertisement that is ... it helps or twelve months twelve you cause, we can reach very much and can do that the life of these persons is a bit better, they are grateful for it to us.The missionaries uqe go to help realize from what these persons happen and they live through it duarnte algun time and then they come here and they themselves are given tell of it lucky that they are and of what they have.

The Western Sahara is a territory of Africa, located in the western end of the desert of the Sahara. It is in the list of nonindependent territories of the United Nations, whose process of decolonization was interrupted by the abandonment of the territory by its old colonial power, Spain, in 1976, which left the territory into the hands of Morocco and Mauritania, after signing with them the Agreements of Madrid. The territory is occupied at the moment almost in its totality by Morocco, although its sovereignty on this territory is not recognized by the UN, and is rejected by the Polisario Front, that proclaimed the independence of the Western Sahara with the name of Arab Republic Democratic Saharaui (RASD) in 1976. The RASD administers, de facto, the territory of the Western Sahara not controlled by Morocco, to which it denominates released territories. Morocco denominate to the territory Southern Provinces.


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Spain is a country placed to the west of europa, where it does a good climate and eats up well.The typical things of Spain it is for example the ham, allipebre and more things...In Valencia most people come for the Mediterranean diet, are a healthy diet, also for the oranges and the paella or the holidays as the faults.Also many go away to Pamplona for the San Fermines. To Galicia for his food also, and to Madrid for which it is the capital of Spain.

Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country of western Europe constituted in parliamentary monarchy that occupies something more than five sixth of the Iberian Peninsula, two located archipelagoes, one in the Mediterranean Sea (the Balearic islands) and another one in the Atlantic Ocean (the Canary islands), as well as the seats of sovereignty in the north of the African continent (among them the independent cities of Ceuta and Melilla) and the enclave of Llivia in the French Pyrenees. Next to other twenty-six European countries it conforms European Unio'n (UE). Km² has an extension of 504,645. The capital of the country is Madrid.
In its peninsular territory joint party land borders with France and the Principality from Andorra to the north, with Portugal to the west and the British colony from Gibraltar to the south. In his African territories, it shares land borders and marine with Morocco. Joint party with France the island of the Pheasants in the mouth of the river pirenaicas Bidasoa and five facerías.In addition, it has another smaller series of districts and noncontinental possessions like the Chafarinas islands, the rock of Vélez of the Gomera and the rock of Lavenders, all front to the African coast. The island of Alborán, the Columbretes islands and a series of islands and small barren islands as opposed to their own coasts, complete their territories.

Credits: www.google.es


Sunday, May 27, 2007

* San VaLentiin *

San Valentin is the St. Valentine's day!.
Gifts are done, go out thereabouts surprises are done mutually, happen the day together and it is one day for demonstrated the great thing that is wanted.
It is in the habit of being a February 14, the shops make up with hearts.

San Valentin was a priest who was born in Rome in the middle of the IIIrd century and who enjoyed a great prestige in that city up to the point that the emperor Claudio II it invited to his palace to support a conversation and to know hereby the porqué of his reputation. According to the tradition, Valentín seized that opportunity to do "propaganda" of the Christian religion and to convince the emperor in order that he was following Jesus' steps. Though in a beginning Claudio II felt attracted by that religion that the same Romans were chasing, the soldiers and the own Governor of Rome, Calpurnio, forced him to desist and organized a campaign in opposition to our saint. Claudio did not have any more remedy that to do march behind and ordered Calpurnio to try it. But that mission would take her to end the deputy of the governor, Asterius. When he was taken before him, this one mocked at the Christian religion and tested Valentín.

Credits: www.youtube.com

Glitter Graphics

Sunday, April 01, 2007

~>eXchangE with FrancE<~

[[.....--ExchangE with FrancE--.....]]

The Frenchmen who came were received by us one week, taught them the faults and typical things of Valencia, they learned a bit more of Spain, ate our food and coexisted with nocostros.The week that we were we they did practically the same thing, we were one week with them we learned a bit more of France and what the Frenchmen do.

The interchange consists of that: two different countries and two different colleges decide to do an interchange of cultures and of people, for to know and to work one week together.We know ourselves for Internet, mail, etc... Until the days of the trips come last week is the good-bye difinitivo, on not having been that fences you especially.

Credits: http://etwinning.cnice.mec.es/informacion_.php



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Fallas is a tipical tradictional celebration in Valencia. Traditionally people go to the city centre, walk, visit Fallas and eat chocolate with buns or light doughnut rings. People also throw bungers and look at the falleras parade.
One day the falleras go to the Virgin Desamparados square to offer her a bunch of flowers in order to fill the virgin´s cape with red, yellow and white flowers. This year the mantle is one rose of the winds, and every night there is a bonfire and in the mornings there are big "mascletà" lots of very noisy bungers, all this is very tipical in Valencia.
And the night finish the night of "la cremà" it burns and we go to sleeping and the finish of holiday very important in Valencia.

~>The End<~