Sunday, October 21, 2007

San dionis

Spanishness is a term of the classic Spanish, which at the beginning of the 20th century there was the already fallen one in disuse. But in 1926 the Spanish priest Zacarías de Vizcarra proposed, in an article that it published in Buenos Aires, which "Spanishness" must replace "Race" in the celebrations of October, twelve. The celebration of October, twelve like Holiday of the Race had been proposed in 1913 by Faustino Rodríguez San Pedro from the organization Latin-American Union, and in 1918 it reached in Spain the range of national holiday with this denomination. Denomination widely used of fact in different American Republics that they had recognized also on October 12 as national holiday, without any name or under other labels.

On October 12 we had holiday it was Friday and us salatmos the whole day of class in the college and this day emple to rest and to see the TV where salian the princes and a soldiers' parade and all it.Also salia the prime minister "Zapatero" that the people when it was happening were booing him.


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