Sunday, May 31, 2009

Los espejos venecinos.

- Joan Manuel Gisbert.

The Venetian mirrors it's an interesting book. It has hooked me enough, of I begin it's the well-read one in one week and one would turn it to read.
It isn't a very long book and the history is good enough.
A student of Naples comes to Padua and the palazo of the Balzzani meets the mystery. Thanks to the help of his friends, Lena and Paolo, of his teacher Giacomo Amadio, of some of his companions of class and of the lady who first offered him house, Alessandra. There discovers the mystery of the Balzzani and of Beatrice Balzzani, more known like " the one that never died ".
An astrologer throws a curse to his family, which is that the descent Balzzani will die and with her the surname. Beatrice Balzzani is the last one and dies. Behind of two Venetian mirrors that there is in the palazzo this one the secret, a parchment in that of the masks and in other one, Beatrice's body. Giovanni Conti (the protagonist) manages to verify the secret and to preserve it between his friends and his teacher that they help him to follow the last will of the poor B
Joan Manuel was born in Barcelona in 1949. And it started working soon with some publishing houses. It travelled to Paris to study theatre and when it turned escrbió his first book in 1979, fantastic scenes.
It was compared by the critics by authors like J. R. R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, and dedicated his author as the maximum exponent of the fantastic trend inside the infantile literature. In his works, Gisbert develops adventures that depart from the daily life, of which also the dreams form a part, to enter the unknown thing.
Joan Manuel Gisbert works also as publishing adviser, gives courses on the fantastic imagination and takes part often in days and meetings on infantile literature. It has realized also scripts for television.

Last trip.


In this trip we have done a heap of things.
We go out of the college and we started ourselves towards Barcelona. Once there we walk along The Ramblas, any abundance of "actors" and shops. We took the ship a few hours later, but the hours into the ship it wasn't changing them into anything. We have visited the Vatican, go on from a country to other one to sorrow travelling a few meters. The truth esque was precious. In Rome we could see the Coliseum from out, it had not been a bad to see it from inside for that already from it was an impressive age. Florence, It was raining but I believe that they are the sights mas nice that I have seen of a great city.
Venice is the city that more me pleased all, for whom it is the most original and is very peculiar. Some of us were lucky to be able to rise in gondola with a gondolier called Carlo, very nice, I inform well of her my historical things though just now nose to say none.
The truth is that we were almost all the time thereabouts and did not have opportunity great and to be in the hotels, but I have to say that the beds were comfortable enough and quite very clean.
Two nights we went to discotheques and did not stop dancing and dancing, the truth is that to the class in general we like it the holiday and more if we are all together.
Well, our trip of end of course I have to say that it has been the best trip that I have never done.

Accompanied of my friends and my companions of class, that with my friends I have been if, but with those who were companions they it stopped being and formed to forming a part of a group of friends. The trip had of everything, tourist visits, laughs, amusement, some quarrel that different, but for my what mas stood out it was the buel roll strictly between ourselves. To speak with persons that he was not speaking almost and realize that every person is very different. To share things with the teachers and with my friends of class.
- Class I love you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Juegos online.

The video games online with with that it is possible to play one or more persons across Internet in any computer or platform that could concetarse to Internet.

The first video game online that went out was the Pong that it was born in a room of recreative in California.One began to use in 1979 the possibility of being able to connect to Internet and be able to play freely, thanks to a few students of Essex's University who did a computer system to be able to play to a game of role called Dragoons and Dungeons.

The first game I multiuse that was invented it was in 1986 called Habitat created by Lucas Films Games. After this game EverQuest, Asheron's or Ultima Online arose.

This did not stand out until 1993 when there went out the Worl Wide Wed, the people could accede free to the games or versions, of there the first delivery of the Doom.

After this, in the nineties the first videoconsolas went out. The first one of all was the Dreamcast in Japan in 1998 and went out from this, the possibility of them connecting to Internet.

- The people look now lately for many games of action or of sport, since they are those that more they entertain.
Also there are other games that are interested enough, they are the games of role. These games please for his capacity that the player has to have a great imagination for invertarse a world and a few certain prominent figures. It is a type of game for to play with many people.
The subject matter can change there depends the book that you use to play, since there are editions of books to play only to games of this type.

- Credits:

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Commonwealth of Australia

Australia is a country that is located in the south hemisphere. It forms a part of the continent of Oceania and is the biggest inside this continent and the sixth one in the whole world.

his capital is Canberra, though the most known city is Sydney, even there are people who confuses her as the capital.In 2006 it managed to register two millions and inhabitants' way in the big coastal cities of this country.

England came to Australia in 1788 and put five colonies, since they were claiming a half of this country, then another joined for what already they were six.
On January 1, 1901, six colonies federated establishing a political liberal system.

Nowadays, Australia is a monarchy and has a system of parliamentary government. The queen of Australia is Isabel the second who is represented by the general governor and in every condition by another governor.Since in all the countries they have three options to be able:The legislative power, the executive and the judicial one. In the legislative one one finds the Australian Parliament. In the executive one entrusts the federal cabinet and in the judicial one the supreme court Australian.

Australia largely is desert and arid, but also it has a great quantity of sites rainy and filled with animals and with vegetation. That many of them are threatened by the human éspecie, since it cuts trees and hunt in some sitesand by the introduction of exotic species that are not of the habitat and kill animals. An animal that does a good icóno of Australia is the Koala eating eucalyptus and other one is the cnaguro jumping or running.

Personal Opinion:

I have elected Australia for which it looks like to me a very interesting site, in fact I would like to be able to study there. Would like to be able to be going to see also the opera in Sydney or to surfear for the beaches of there, since they are precious.It is a good time and I would not get upset to live through anything there during a time and then to return.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Monday, September 15, 2008


Present perfect simple and present perfect continuos

Present Perfect Simple.
To speak of an action that began in the past and still continuous
To speak of a very recent past action and for which any reference of time does not occur
To speak about a past action whose results are reflected in the present

AFIRMATIVE:forms with the present of the verb; to have' and the past of the verb that is conjugated [I have played tennis]
NEGATIVE:In the negative form ' is placed; not' after verb ' to have' [He has not played ]
INTERROGATIVE:the interrogatory form forms later putting the first aid and the subject [ have you played ]

Present perfect continuos
It is used when it is wanted to express the sense of the continuity of an action that has begun in the past, which it still lasts in the present and that even can continue in the future.

AFIRMATIVE:subject + present perfect of ' to be' + gerund [I have been playing]
NEGATIVE:In the negative form ' is placed; not' after the aid [ I have not been playing ]
INTERROGATIVE:The interrogatory form, forms investing to the position of the subject and the aid [Have I been playing? ]

Past Simple & Past Continuos.

We use the simple past to refer to something that happened in the past.Example: I lived in Paris for 1 year.In English is not difference between ''vivía'' and ''viví''. If you want to say that something happened in the past often used:"used to + verb".In the past simple we can use expressions temporary like: yesterday, last night, last month, last week, last year...How to make a sentences in the simple past:
Afirmative sentences: with the regulars verbs: Subj+Verb+ed//If the verb end with And, we change to I: Study-Studied with the irregulars verbs: Subj+Verb in second column.
Negative sentences: we use the particle did deyng: Subj+Didn't+Verb.
Interrogative sentences: we also the particle did : Did+Subj+Verb?to respond : Yes, I did//No, I didn't.The past simple with the verb to be:
Afirmative sentences: I , she, he,it-->Subj+Wasyou, we, they -->Subj+wereNegative sentences:I , she, he , it-->Subj+wasn'tyou, we, they-->Subj+weren't Interrogative sentences: I , she, he , it-->Was+Subj you, we, they-->Were+Subj

We use the past continuous when we talk about an action not finished in the past-''He was playing football yesterday''To talk of two actions;one more long that the other that interrupted the previous action-''I was cooking when the doorbell rang''In the past continuous we use when + past simple to talk about two consecutive actions in the past-''I bought my ticket when the train arrived''Also we use a lot while in the past continuous-''I listened to the news while I was driving''There are some verbs that can´t be used in the continuous form in English.Believe ,Hear,See,Sound, Understand,Want ,LikeTo make a sentence in past continuous: AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+was+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+were+verb+ing
NEGATIVE SENTECES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+wasn't+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+weren't+verb+ing
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Was+subj.+verb+ing?WE,YOU,THEY-->Were+subj.+verb+ing?

Thursday, May 22, 2008


In eastern I have returned to stay in house, but it was with my father.I have passed all the vacations in family, though to go with my friends I was, but really what more I did was homework and to see the TV, for which it to be holidays is what I was desiring it, the vagabond did.

I saw many movies, of dysney that it was doing a lot of time that it did not see since they are in videotape, I liked to remember with my sister and my brother when we are small and what We were doing, We were laughing, they were a few happy eastern.

Also I was with my small cousins, that it was doing time that did not see them and was doing illusion to myself, this way that one day we were to Valencia and another day to quí, to The Canyada and lunch tods together.
The Eastern of Resurrection is the Christian celebration that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The date of celebration changes between March 22 and April 25, since it takes place on Sunday following the first spring full moon of the north hemisphere. There exists a formula that allows the calculation of the date of Easter. Nevertheless, due to the difference of calendars used by the Catholic Church (Gregorian calendar) and the Oriental Churches (calendar juliano), the date of Easter changes for every Church.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008



In "fallas" I was in The Canyada with my family, in my house.I stayed with some friends of The Vallesa.Solia to be in the computer speaking or seeing the TV or doing homework, there was no many activity to do, for what they were a few faults rather boring... I saw someone that another "falla" of Valencia and in The Canyada VAT a bit slow the construction, but ultimately it was possible to see.

The day of San Jose, he was the saint of my father and simultaneously the day of the father, this way that I went away with when a "mascletà" passed the day, the same day habia sew typical of faults, and also it was the same day in which in the night the fault was burned, this way that I and one all the people more of The Canyada saw the fault to burn, we were until evening, but it was not a problem for which following día there was no college.In faults to have gone out of The Canyada I remind 2, one to New Center and other one to the center of Valencia.

It is an urbanization of The Canyada, is in the eastern part, I have lived there from small, but then me canvié of house.It has a forest of which he is an owner El Conde de La Vallesa, in this bocendios and they have decided to do it cuts fires, cutting many trees,companies were gathered, but it had not sufficiently, like that that short fires removed I finish. Also there are a few trenches, when there was a war a few trenches were constructed in order that lso soldiers were sheltering in them.