Monday, September 15, 2008


Present perfect simple and present perfect continuos

Present Perfect Simple.
To speak of an action that began in the past and still continuous
To speak of a very recent past action and for which any reference of time does not occur
To speak about a past action whose results are reflected in the present

AFIRMATIVE:forms with the present of the verb; to have' and the past of the verb that is conjugated [I have played tennis]
NEGATIVE:In the negative form ' is placed; not' after verb ' to have' [He has not played ]
INTERROGATIVE:the interrogatory form forms later putting the first aid and the subject [ have you played ]

Present perfect continuos
It is used when it is wanted to express the sense of the continuity of an action that has begun in the past, which it still lasts in the present and that even can continue in the future.

AFIRMATIVE:subject + present perfect of ' to be' + gerund [I have been playing]
NEGATIVE:In the negative form ' is placed; not' after the aid [ I have not been playing ]
INTERROGATIVE:The interrogatory form, forms investing to the position of the subject and the aid [Have I been playing? ]

Past Simple & Past Continuos.

We use the simple past to refer to something that happened in the past.Example: I lived in Paris for 1 year.In English is not difference between ''vivía'' and ''viví''. If you want to say that something happened in the past often used:"used to + verb".In the past simple we can use expressions temporary like: yesterday, last night, last month, last week, last year...How to make a sentences in the simple past:
Afirmative sentences: with the regulars verbs: Subj+Verb+ed//If the verb end with And, we change to I: Study-Studied with the irregulars verbs: Subj+Verb in second column.
Negative sentences: we use the particle did deyng: Subj+Didn't+Verb.
Interrogative sentences: we also the particle did : Did+Subj+Verb?to respond : Yes, I did//No, I didn't.The past simple with the verb to be:
Afirmative sentences: I , she, he,it-->Subj+Wasyou, we, they -->Subj+wereNegative sentences:I , she, he , it-->Subj+wasn'tyou, we, they-->Subj+weren't Interrogative sentences: I , she, he , it-->Was+Subj you, we, they-->Were+Subj

We use the past continuous when we talk about an action not finished in the past-''He was playing football yesterday''To talk of two actions;one more long that the other that interrupted the previous action-''I was cooking when the doorbell rang''In the past continuous we use when + past simple to talk about two consecutive actions in the past-''I bought my ticket when the train arrived''Also we use a lot while in the past continuous-''I listened to the news while I was driving''There are some verbs that can´t be used in the continuous form in English.Believe ,Hear,See,Sound, Understand,Want ,LikeTo make a sentence in past continuous: AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+was+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+were+verb+ing
NEGATIVE SENTECES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Subj.+wasn't+verb+ingWE,YOU,THEY-->Subj.+weren't+verb+ing
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES:I,SHE,HE,IT-->Was+subj.+verb+ing?WE,YOU,THEY-->Were+subj.+verb+ing?