Sunday, May 31, 2009

Los espejos venecinos.

- Joan Manuel Gisbert.

The Venetian mirrors it's an interesting book. It has hooked me enough, of I begin it's the well-read one in one week and one would turn it to read.
It isn't a very long book and the history is good enough.
A student of Naples comes to Padua and the palazo of the Balzzani meets the mystery. Thanks to the help of his friends, Lena and Paolo, of his teacher Giacomo Amadio, of some of his companions of class and of the lady who first offered him house, Alessandra. There discovers the mystery of the Balzzani and of Beatrice Balzzani, more known like " the one that never died ".
An astrologer throws a curse to his family, which is that the descent Balzzani will die and with her the surname. Beatrice Balzzani is the last one and dies. Behind of two Venetian mirrors that there is in the palazzo this one the secret, a parchment in that of the masks and in other one, Beatrice's body. Giovanni Conti (the protagonist) manages to verify the secret and to preserve it between his friends and his teacher that they help him to follow the last will of the poor B
Joan Manuel was born in Barcelona in 1949. And it started working soon with some publishing houses. It travelled to Paris to study theatre and when it turned escrbió his first book in 1979, fantastic scenes.
It was compared by the critics by authors like J. R. R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, and dedicated his author as the maximum exponent of the fantastic trend inside the infantile literature. In his works, Gisbert develops adventures that depart from the daily life, of which also the dreams form a part, to enter the unknown thing.
Joan Manuel Gisbert works also as publishing adviser, gives courses on the fantastic imagination and takes part often in days and meetings on infantile literature. It has realized also scripts for television.

Last trip.


In this trip we have done a heap of things.
We go out of the college and we started ourselves towards Barcelona. Once there we walk along The Ramblas, any abundance of "actors" and shops. We took the ship a few hours later, but the hours into the ship it wasn't changing them into anything. We have visited the Vatican, go on from a country to other one to sorrow travelling a few meters. The truth esque was precious. In Rome we could see the Coliseum from out, it had not been a bad to see it from inside for that already from it was an impressive age. Florence, It was raining but I believe that they are the sights mas nice that I have seen of a great city.
Venice is the city that more me pleased all, for whom it is the most original and is very peculiar. Some of us were lucky to be able to rise in gondola with a gondolier called Carlo, very nice, I inform well of her my historical things though just now nose to say none.
The truth is that we were almost all the time thereabouts and did not have opportunity great and to be in the hotels, but I have to say that the beds were comfortable enough and quite very clean.
Two nights we went to discotheques and did not stop dancing and dancing, the truth is that to the class in general we like it the holiday and more if we are all together.
Well, our trip of end of course I have to say that it has been the best trip that I have never done.

Accompanied of my friends and my companions of class, that with my friends I have been if, but with those who were companions they it stopped being and formed to forming a part of a group of friends. The trip had of everything, tourist visits, laughs, amusement, some quarrel that different, but for my what mas stood out it was the buel roll strictly between ourselves. To speak with persons that he was not speaking almost and realize that every person is very different. To share things with the teachers and with my friends of class.
- Class I love you.